Health 3D

3D Printed Medical Play

What is medical play?

In medical play sessions, child life specialists use interactive ways to help children understand their diseases and treatments. Usually, children get to play “dress-ups” with either real or models of medical equipments, easing their anxiety under the stressful hospital environment.

To address the lack of accessible products for child life specialists, Health 3D provides solutions that are


Models are created for and tailored to pediatric patients. On top of our base models, we provide various color schemes to choose from, and customizable sizing services to make our models compatible with your own patient’s doll.


Low base cost if you only want the basic models, leaving room in affordability for add-on customizations. Total cost is relatively lower than similar products on the market.


We are pursuing IRB-approval for clinical study to validate the effectiveness of our models in medical play sessions, and our products are now supported by behavioral psychologists, pediatricians, and child life specialists at Kennedy Krieger Institute.